Upper Bucks for Democrary Meetup
June 2, 7 p.m.
Plumstead Township Building
5186 Stump Road (a little east of 611 on right)
Plumsteadville, Pa.
June 2, 7 p.m.
Plumstead Township Building
5186 Stump Road (a little east of 611 on right)
Plumsteadville, Pa.
Our guest speaker, Charles Lenchner, talked about Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), one of the fastest-growing political organizations in the country. PDA is currently active with more than 40,000 members in all 50 states. PDA has a national policy board of noteworthy leaders and grassroots activists who are formulating the true Progressive position on issues of national security, economic progress, shared prosperity, sustainable ecology, equality for all, and a peaceful, just future. Learn more about Progressive Democrats of America by visiting http://www.pdamerica.org/.